Item No.MF010884
11.5-inch Kongshen Barbie
Item No.MF010883
11.5-inch Kongshen Barbie
Item No.MF010755
11.5-inch evening dress Barbie with hair dryer peach heart stick mirror combing beam
Item No.MF010754
11.5-inch evening dress Barbie with Crown mirror combing beam
Item No.MF010753
11.5-inch evening dress barbie with small Barbie scooter bag baby bottles mirror and comb
Item No.MF010752
The 11.5-inch evening dress barbie with handbag mirror and comb clothing
Item No.MF010751
11.5-inch dress barbie
Item No.MF009152
Mandy 6-inch expression doll
Item No.MF009151
Mandy 6-inch expression doll